Online Arguments

While searching for arguments online I found this photo of a tweet and I found it fitting. I read it as that as long as an opinion you have has strong emotions to back it, it will never be enough to win an argument. 

Now most arguments that occur over twitter or facebook are rooted in emotions. In a previous post I found an article that listed some of the biggest online arguments between celebrities. While doing this search I found a different one by BuzzFeed titled 18 Completely Ridiculous Celebrity Twitter Feuds That Still Make Me Laugh To This Day, in all the arguments the people add too much emotion to their post and often don't tell the whole story. In response people respond back with what might have actually happened, their side of the story, or an insult which just adds fuel to the flame. While arguments between celebrities happen and tend to resolve often, they have a big influence over the public which in turn can influence how other arguments online happen.

Even though I believe that arguing online should have little to no purpose, the internet is how everyone communicates now. Here are five steps that should be followed if you're thinking about starting an online debate.
  1. Keep your emotions out of the picture
  2. Have some evidence
  3. Don't insult the other person or their opinion
  4. Acknowledge that your answer might not always be right 
  5. Never respond angry


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